Master of Arts in History

(Ethnohistory and Local History)

Program Description

The MA History program seeks to advance the History discipline in the College of Social Sciences through graduate-level instruction and curriculum innovation. The MA History program equips the students with theoretical and methodological foundations in the discipline of history and provides them with relevant exposure and training on ethnohistory and local history. Barber and Berdan (1998) define ethnohistory as “an interdisciplinary field that studies past human behavior and is characterized by a primary reliance on documents, the use of input from other sources when available, a methodology that incorporates historiography and cultural relativism, and a focus on cultural interaction.” The crux of ethnohistory as a field of study is change in a culture – its nature and causes. On the other hand Local History is a field of study with focus on a defined spatial unit, e.g., region, province, town, or locality.

Drawing from the niches of UP Baguio in ethnic and indigenous studies, the MA History integrates into the program the institution’s research strengths and expertise, and harmonizes interdisciplinary collaborations, by offering a set of courses that emphasize collaboration with other social science disciplines and auxiliary sciences.

The institution of the MA History program is in line with the vision of the University to develop itself as a graduate university, a research university, and a public service university. The need to institute such a program is also due to the pursuit of UP Baguio’s vision and the College of Social Science’s commitment to engaged scholarship, teaching, research and extension; and to sustain the delivery of innovative and relevant programs. In addition, instituting this program (Ethnohistory and Local History) is of particular importance especially to Northern Luzon and the Cordillera region, which lack a specifically disciplinal graduate degree offering in History.


The MA History program is expected to produce graduates with the following competencies:

(1) Knowledge of the various forms of historical and historiographical inquiry and practice with a mastery of primary sources;

(2) Critical and creative thinking on the complexity of and multidisciplinarity in history;

(3) Ability to generate and communicate historical researches and related outputs;

(4) Integration of history to its applied and public functions; and,

(5) Appreciation of the various layers of human experience, from ethnic, local, and national histories, to their regional and global scales.


Upon completion of the program, a graduate must be able to:

  1. examine the various forms of historical and historiographical inquiry and practice;
  2. apply critical and creative thinking on the complexity of and multidisciplinarity in history;
  3. produce ethnohistorical and local history researches and related outputs that are based on well-defined historical problems, sound methodologies and historical evidence;
  4. integrate history to its applied and public functions, specifically on the areas of teaching, cultural and heritage work, and public service; and,
  5. recognize the pluralities of human experience in relation to the several layers of community-building (i.e., ethnicities and localities, nation, region, and the international community).


To be considered as a student for the MA History program, applicants must possess:

  1. A bachelor’s degree from a CHED-recognized institution of higher learning;
  2. A general weighted average of 2.25 or better or its equivalent in the baccalaureate degree;
  3. In the case of a foreign applicant whose native language or whose medium of instruction in their secondary school was not English, a score of at least 500 in the paper-based Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), or at least 173 in the computerized form, or at least sixty-one (61) in Internet-Based Test [IBT] or a score of 6.0 in the International English Language Testing System (IELTS);
  4. A passing grade in the Scholastic Aptitude Examination which will be administered by the Office of Counseling and Guidance of the University of the Philippines Baguio; and
  5. Must pass the interview that will be conducted by the MA History Committee.

Documents to be Submitted for Application

These are the documents you need for a successful application. All these must be submitted to the Graduate Program Office (GPO) through courier or at the GPO on campus. Any inquiries will also be forwarded to them, and updates on calls for applications are released every semester.

  1. Duly accomplished Application Form with two passport size photographs. (This you can access by emailing the GPO);
  2. A non-refundable application fee subject to rates specified by the University of the Philippines Baguio;
  3. Other University requirements like medical clearance and other special admission requirements;
  4. Official transcript of undergraduate records (may be photocopies on condition that these are authenticated; final admission shall be based on verified documents);
  5. Two written recommendations with at least one from a former professor and three (3) Reference Report Forms – 1 from the applicant’s immediate supervisor and 2 from former professors;
  6. Application admission essay describing background, interest in program, and envisioned academic project (2-3 pages);
  7. For married women, photocopy of Marriage Certificate for the purposes of providing proof of name change from previous academic records;
  8. For foreign applicants whose native language or whose medium of instruction in their secondary school was not English, official proof of test scores.


The MA History program has a total of 36 units broken down according to the following components.

  • Core Courses (15u)
  • History Electives (9u)
  • Other Required History Courses (6u)
  • Electives (6u)


History 201. Philosophy of History (3u). Perspectives and approaches to the interpretations and writing of history

History 202. Historical Methodology (3u). Historical methodology and methods of historical research with emphasis on archival and oral history

History 203. Philippine Historiography (3u). Critical analysis of historiographies produced during and on different historical periods of Philippine history

History 204. Philippine Ethnohistory (3u). Historiographic analysis of primary sources on the histories of Philippine indigenous peoples with emphasis on the Cordillera

History 205. Local History (3u). Perspectives, approaches, methods, and sources on local history



Electives will be taken in consultation with the program adviser and may be taken in other CUs with graduate courses in History

Hist 209. Pre-16th Century Philippines (3u). Early communities in the Philippines from prehistoric times until pre-European contact in the 16th century

Hist 210. Colonial Philippines (3u). History of the Philippines from the Spanish, American, to the Japanese colonization

Hist 211. Filipino Nationalism (3u). Readings on primary and selected secondary sources on Filipino Nationalism from the 19th century to the Second World War

Hist 212. Contemporary Philippines (3u). Events, issues, and sources of Philippine history since the end of the Second World War

Hist 254. Southeast Asian History (3u). Themes and debates in Southeast Asian history and Historiography

History 255. Global History (3u). Selected theme(s) of social processes resulting from human interactions between and among societies and world regions across temporal and spatial contexts

History 260. Public History (3u). Concept and nature of public history and its practice in the Philippines

History 298. Special Topics (3u)*. Recent trends, issues, and areas in historical and historiographical inquiry and practice

*This may be taken twice provided that the topics are different. This subject will focus on topics like Historical Pedagogy, issues and interpretations of Philippine History, Northern Luzon and Cordillera Histories, History and the Social Sciences and other areas in history.

Other Required History Course

Hist 300. Master’s Thesis (6u). Thesis in History*

* Before enrollment, all academic requirements should have been fulfilled and proof of language proficiency (if necessary) should have been submitted. 


A student in the program may pursue a regular load of 9-12 units per semester or a part-time load of 6 units per semester, and a thesis for 6 units for a total of 36 units.


First Year
First Semester No. of Units Second Semester No. of Units
Hist 201 3 Hist 202 3
Hist 203 3 Hist 204 3
Hist 205 3 Hist Elective 2 3
Hist Elective 1 3 Elective 1 3
Total no. of units 12 Total no. of units 12
Second Year
First Semester No. of units Second Semester No. of Units
History Elective 3 3 Hist 300* 6
Elective 2 3
Total no. of units 6 Total no. of units 6
Total Units for the Program 36
*Student should have completed all course requirements before enrolling in History 300. Proof of language proficiency (when necessary) should be submitted prior to enrollment in thesis.


First Year
First SemesterNo. of UnitsSecond SemesterNo. of Units
Hist 2013Hist 2023
Hist 2033Hist 2043
Total no. of units6Total no. of units6
Second Year
First SemesterNo. of UnitsSecond SemesterNo. of Units
History 2053History Elective 23
History elective 13Elective 13
Total no. of units6Total no. of units6
Third Year
First SemesterNo. of UnitsSecond SemesterNo. of Units
History Elective 33History 300*6
Elective 23  
Total no. of Units6Total no. of Units6
Total Units for the Program36
*Student should have completed all course requirements before enrolling in History 300. Proof of language proficiency (when necessary) should be submitted prior to enrollment in thesis.



Leah E. Abayao

Leah E. Abayao

Position: Professor
Categories: DHPH
Professor of History
Department of History and Philosophy
College of Social Sciences

Academic Background

Senior Fellow, The Frick Collection-New York City, USA
Research Fellow, Linden Museum – Stuttgart, Germany
Research Fellow, University of Michigan – Ann Arbor, USA
Visiting Scholar, Katholieke Universitet Leuven, Belgium
Ph.D. in History, University of the Philippines Diliman
M.A. Social Development Studies, University of the Philippines
B.A. Social Sciences Majors in Anthropology and History, University of the Philippines

Research Interests

Indigenous Knowledge, Community Heritage, Philippines Cordilleras, Indigenous Peoples

Extension Work

Go Global SDGs in Action Student Challenge (with York University), 2022 – present
International Indigenous Student Exchange Program (with York University, 2021 – present
CHED Kabadang Research and Publication Capacity Building, 2021 – present
External Evaluator, National Commission on Culture and the Arts (NCCA) Mapping Program, 2020 – present
Community Archives (with the National Archives of the Philippines), 2014 – present


ORCID 0000-0001-5505-336X
Scopus Author ID: 11940079500 & 57402054500

Abayao, Leah, Podruchny, Carolyn, Fong, Jimmy. Indigeneity and the Production of knowledges on Indigenous Peoples in the Philippines (forthcoming)

Ronan Q. Baculi, Giovanni M. Malapit & Leah E. Abayao. 2022. Atmospheric pressure plasma deposition of silver nanoparticles on bark fabric for bacterial growth inhibition, The Journal of The Textile Institute, DOI: 10.1080/00405000.2021.2024378

Abayao, Leah. 2021. “Policy Landscape for Customary Forest Management in the Philippine Cordilleras.” Philippine Journal of Public Policy: Interdisciplinary Development Perspectives.

Abayao, Leah. 2020. Disaster Risk Governance in Northern Philippine communities: Issues and Prospects in Climate Change Talks. In Chou, K.-T., Hasegawa, K., Ku, D., & Kao, S.-F. (Eds.). (2020). Climate Change Governance in Asia (1st ed.). Routledge.

Abayao, Leah, Akanisi Sobusobu Tarabe, Vuthy Lic, Prasert Trakansuphakon. 2020. Forest Policies and Indigenous Peoples’ Traditional Knowledge and Practices on Sustainable Forest Management: Fiji, Cambodia and Thailand. Tebtebba Foundation.

Abayao, Leah. 2019. Indigenous Studies as a platform for Internationalization in Higher Education. Proceedings of the Indigenous Peoples Education conference. University of the Philippines Baguio.

Abayao, Leah. 2018. Cordillera Objects in the Philippines Collection (of the Linden Museum). In Co-creation Labs: Illuminating Guests, Artists and New Voices in European Museums of World Culture. Sanstein Verlag and Linden- Museum Stuttgart.

Tolentino, Delfin (Editor), Abayao, Leah, Amores, Analyn, Martin, Marlon. 2017. Ifugao People of the Earth, ArtPost Asia.

Abayao, Leah. 2014. Spirituality and the (re) constructions of indigenous traditions. InUnsettling Discourses: The Theory and Practice of Indigenous Studies. Cordillera Studies Center, UP Baguio. 2014; Pages 127-134.

Abayao, Leah. 2013. Probing Indigenous Peoples Rights to Education. The Cordillera Review: Journal of Philippine Culture and Society. Vol. III, No. 1-2, March – Sept. 2011. Cordillera Studies Center, UP Baguio, Philippines.

Enkiwe-Abayao, Leah and Rebeca Rios-Kohn. 2013. Breaking the Silence on Violence against Indigenous Girls, Adolescents and Young Women (Asia Pacific section) United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).

Abayao, Leah.2005. Mainstreaming Intercultural Education: the case of UP Baguio’s Educational Assistance Program, Higher Education Policy 18, 409–411. Palgrave.

Abayao, Leah. 2006. Articulating Indigenous Peoples’ Culture in Education. In Indigenous Education and Empowerment: International Perspectives. Eds. Duane Champagne and Ismael Abu-Saad. Alta-mira Press, Oxford UK.

Abayao, Leah. 2001. Indigenous knowledge on Forest management and Conservation of Medicinal Plants among the Ifugaos of Northern Luzon. KASARINLAN Journal, University of the Philippines Press.

Abayao, Leah. 2000. Ifugao Ethnomedicine in History. The Journal of History. Volume 46, No. 1-4.

Enkiwe-Abayao, Leah, Jo Ann Guillao, Mikara Jubay-Dulay and Helen Magata. 2012. Reclaiming Forests and Coasts: Indigenous Peoples Cope with Climate Change. In Climate Change and Indigenous Peoples – Country Case Studies on Local Mitigation and Adaptation Measures Series. United Nations University – Institute of Advance Studies, Traditional Knowledge Initiative. 

Abayao, Leah, Sombolinggi, Rukka. 2010. Indigenous Peoples and the dynamics of development programs: The case of the East Kalimantan Communities Empowerment Program (EKLCEP). In Assessing the first decade of the World’s Indigenous People, 1995-2004. Vol. 1: The Southeast Asia Experience.

Abayao, Leah. 2009. Mayoyao Ethnohistory, 1850 – 1960. The Journal of History. “Philippine Ethnohistories: The Luzon Cordillera and Beyond”. Volume LV, January – December.

Leah E. Abayao


Professor of History Department of History and Philosophy College of...

Charita A. Delos Reyes

Charita A. Delos Reyes

Position: Professor
Categories: DHPH
Professor of History
Department of History and Philosophy
College of Social Sciences

Academic Background

Exchange Visiting Scholar for Advanced Research (PAEF-Fulbright Commission), The University of Maryland at College Park, 2017-2018
Visiting Scholar, The University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, 2017
Ph.D., History, University of the Philippines, 2014
Exchange Visiting Scholar (PAEF-Fulbright Commission), The George Washington University, Sigur Center for Asian Studies, Elliott School of International Affairs, Washington D.C., 2011-2012
M.A., History, University of the Philippines, 2004
M.A., Educational Administration and Supervision, Saint Louis University, 2001, cum laude
B.S., Political Science, Saint Louis University, 1989, magna cum laude


“The Town-Gown Linkage and the Genesis of Post-War Baguio University Town,” The Cordillera Review: Journal of Philippine Culture and Society 7, no. 1 (March, 2017): 23-72.

Delos Reyes, Charita Arcangel. “Educating Mokimok and Chainus: The Ibaloys at the Bua School, 1901-1940.” In CHIVA: A Reader on Ibaloy History and Culture, edited by Jimmy B. Fong. UP Baguio: Cordillera Studies Center, 2017, pp. 35-60.

“Decompartmentalizing History and the Problem of Historical Inquiry.” Social Science Teaching, Research and Practice: Consolidating Lessons and Charting Directions 2. Edited by Lorelei Crisologo. Mendoza. Baguio City: College of Social Sciences and the Cordillera Studies Center, University of the Philippines Baguio, 2016, pp. 85-99.

“Mula sanitarium tungong paaralan: Kasaysayan ng Pagbabagong-anyo ng Kaligiran ng Lungsod ng Baguio.” Sa Shuntug: Mga Kabundukan sa Kasaysayan at Kalinangang Pilipino. Patnugot, Lars Raymund C. Ubaldo. Manila: NCCA at ADHIKA ng Pilipinas, Inc., 2015: 66-78.

“The Genesis of a University Town: The Case of Baguio City, 1946-1973.” Conference Proceedings of the International Symposium on Education and Psychology, ISEP 2014-Fall 2014, Meiji University, Surugadai Campus, Tokyo, Japan, November 12-14, 2014. Published by the Knowledge Association of Taiwan (KAT), Taipei, Taiwan. ISSN 2236-6275 (CD Version)

“Urbana at Felisa: Ideological Reproduction of Femininity in Philippine Education, 1864-1938.” Philippine Social Sciences Review 64, no. 2 (July-December 2012): 49-75.

“From Physical Recreation to Digitisation: A Social History of Children’s Games in the Philippines.” In Negotiating Childhoods. Edited by Hopkins, Lucy; McLeod, Mark; and Wendy Turgeon. Brill, 2010 (print); 2020 (eBook): 99-109.

“Ang Information and Communications Technology (ICT) at ang Neokolonyal na Eduksayon sa Pilipinas (1945-Kasalukuyan).” In Kasarinlan: Philippine Journal of Third World Studies 17, no. 2 (2002): 139-166.

Charita A. Delos Reyes


Professor of History Department of History and Philosophy College of...

Raymundo D. Rovillos

Raymundo D. Rovillos

Position: Professor
Categories: DHPH
Professor of History
Department of History and Philosophy
College of Social Sciences

Academic Background

Ph.D., History, University of the Philippines, 2005
M.A., Social and Development Studies, University of the Philippines, 1996
B.A., Social Sciences (History and Political Science), University of the Philippines, 1986


“Constructing the Boundaries of Places, Spaces and Identities in Abra (1823-1904)” Vol. VI, No. 1 March 2016. The Cordillera Review: Journal of Philippine Culture and Society. Baguio City: UP Baguio Cordillera Studies Center.

“History of Small-scale Mining in Fidelisan, Sagada, Mountain Province.” A Chapter of Main Report: Small-scale Mining in Sagada, Mountain Province: A Case Study. Completed in March 2015.

Raymundo D. Rovillos


Professor of History Department of History and Philosophy College of...

Richard Chu

Position: Visiting Professor for MA Social and Development Studies
Categories: Visiting Professor of the MA Social Development Studies, Visiting Professors for PhD Indigenous Studies
Visiting Professor (Midyear, AY 2022-2023)
MA Social and Development Studies
University of Massachusetts Amherst

Dr. Richard Chu, a faculty member of the University of Massachusetts Amherst Department of History, taught a mixed MA Social and Development Studies class this midyear term. The class was composed of students from the MA SDS and MA History (Ethnohistory and Local History) programs of the College of Social Sciences.

Richard Chu

Visiting Professor for MA Social and Development Studies

Visiting Professor (Midyear, AY 2022-2023) MA Social and Development Studies...

Jose Mathew P. Luga

Jose Mathew P. Luga

Position: Assistant Professor
Categories: DHPH
Assistant Professor of History
Department of History and Philosophy
College of Social Sciences

Academic Background

M.A., History, University of the Philippines Diliman
B.A., Social Sciences (Major in History, Minor in Psychology), 2012

Research Interests

Local History (Baguio and Northern Luzon)
Life History
Japanese Occupation

Academic Organization

Member, Caloocan Historical and Cultural Studies Association

Extension Services

Salikultura: Sali Kayo sa Kultura ng Research. Organized by the National Commission for Culture and the Arts. Via Zoom Video Conference, 26 November 2021.

“Kwento-kwento: Tunay o Misteryo?” full episode of Youth for Truth. Aired October 30, 2021 at IBC TV 13.

“Gintong Kuwento ni Yamashita” segment in Kapuso Mo, Jessica Soho. Aired April 16, 2017. 


Luga, Jose Mathew P. & Abbey Rose A. Celada. Pagtugon sa Hamon ng Kasaysayan: Araling Asyano 7. Makati City: DIWA Learning Systems, Inc., 2021.

____ & Abbey Rose A. Celada. Pagtugon sa Hamon ng Kasaysayan: Araling Asyano 7, Gabay sa Pagtuturo. Makati City: DIWA Learning Systems, Inc., 2021.

“Periodizing the Japanese Occupation: Baguio City at the Eve of Liberation, 1944-1945.” Journal of Philippine Local History and Heritage 6, no. 2. August 2020.

“Alimokon: Mateo Noriel Luga, the Life History of a Revolutionary.” Journal of Philippine Local History and Heritage 3, no. 2. August 2017.

“Mga kwento nina lolo’t lola: Ang pangaraw-araw na buhay sa Baguio noong panahon ng Hapon (1941-1945).” In Saliksik E-Journal 5, blg. 2, edited by Roderick C. Javar (November 2016): 149-189. 

Jose Mathew P. Luga

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor of History Department of History and Philosophy College...

Analyn B. Muñoz

Analyn B. Muñoz

Position: Assistant Professor
Categories: DHPH
Assistant Professor of History
Department of History and Philosophy
College of Social Sciences

Academic Background

Candidate, Ph.D. in History, University of the Philippines Diliman
M.A., in History, University of the Philippines Diliman, 2012
B.A., History, University of the Philippines Diliman, 2005

Research Interests

Environmental History, Cultural History, Women’s History, Japanese Occupation of the Philippines

Academic Organizations

Treasurer/Board member of Asosasyon ng mga Dalubhasa, May Hilig, at Interes sa Kasaysayan (ADHIKA) ng Pilipinas, Inc.

Extension Services

Balik Kasaysayan Program (Department of Education)
Community Archives (with the National Archives of the Philippines)


“Ang Ilog Pasig bilang Daluyan ng Sakit sa Kasaysayan at Panitikang Pilipino,” Araling Pasig monograph. Limbagang Pangkasaysayan, 2021.

“Pangayawan sa Ilog Pasig ng mga Bisaya sa Panahon nina Salcedo at de Goiti,” Pangangayaw: Ang Pangingibang Bayan at Paghahanap ng Ginhawa sa Kasaysayan at Kalinangang Pilipino ng ADHIKA ng Pilipinas, Inc. and National Commission for Culture and the Arts, 2021.

“Gerilya, Pamahalaan, at Sibilyan: Kuwento ng Pagmamalasakitan sa Gitna ng Digmaan,” Tambayayong: Ang Bayanihan sa Kalinangan at Kasaysayang Pilipino ng ADHIKA ng Pilipinas, Inc. and National Commission for Culture and the Arts, 2020.

“Missing Pasig: The Manila River during the Late Nineteenth Century and Contemporary Times,” Manila: History, Culture, and Heritage by Manila Studies Association, Inc., National Commission for Culture and the Arts and Philippine National Historical Society, 2020.

“Ang Ilog Pasig sa mga Banyagang Batis ng Ika-19 na Dantaon,” Diliman Review, Volume 2 Number 2, 2017.

“Imaheng Negrito Bilang Pagkakakilanlang Pilipino sa Digmaang Pilipino-Amerikano,” Saliksik: Saysay ng Salaysay: Multidisiplinaryong E-Journal, Tomo 6 Bilang 1, Mayo 2017.

“Mula Philippine Constabulary Tungong Bureau of Constabulary: Pagbabagong-Mukha ng Institusyon sa Panahon ng Hapon,” KAGAWARAN: Mga Institusyon at Paglilingkod-bayan sa Kasaysayan at Kalinangang Pilipino, 1898 – 1946 ng ADHIKA ng Pilipinas, Inc. and National Commission for Culture and the Arts, 2017.

“Challenges and Issues in Reconstructing the History of Aeta Guerrillas of Luzon during the Japanese Occupation” in Social Science Teaching, Research and Practice: Consolidating Lessons and Charting Directions, vol. 2, (2016).

“Kontemporanyong Timog Silangang Asya sa Napapanahong Diskurso ng Etnisidad, Border, at Estado,” (Dr. Leah Enkiwe-Abayao, co-author), Saliksik: Saysay ng Salaysay: Multidisiplinaryong E-Journal, Tomo 4 Bilang 2, Nobyembre 2015.

“Ang Ugnayang Maynila-Morong sa Kasaysayan ng Pambansang Pakikidigma ng mga Pilipino” sa Shuntug: Mga Kabundukan sa Kasaysayan at Kalinangang Pilipino ng ADHIKA ng Pilipinas, Inc. and National Commission for Culture and the Arts, 2015.

“Ang mga Pakikibaka ng mga Ayta noong Ikalawang Digmaang Pandaigdig: Isang Panimulang Kasaysayan.” Hasaan: Opisyal na Journal sa Filipino ng Unibersidad ng Santo Tomas, Tomo II, 2015.

“Ang Diwa ng Gerilyaismo sa Panahon ng Ikalawang Digmaang Pandaigdig sa Bayan ng Morong”, Kasaysayang Pampook: Pananaw, Pananaliksik, Pagtuturo UP Likas, 2012.

“Ang Kababaihang Marking ng Morong, Rizal” Daluyan-Espesyal na Isyu sa Kasaysayan, 2010.

Analyn B. Muñoz

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor of History Department of History and Philosophy College...

Luis Zuriel P. Domingo

Luis Zuriel P. Domingo

Position: Assistant Professor
Categories: DHPH
Assistant Professor of History
Department of History and Philosophy
College of Social Sciences

Academic Background

M.A., History, University of Santo Tomas, 2022
A.B., History, University of Santo Tomas, cum laude, 2015

Research Interests

History of Nationalism in Southeast Asia, Revolutionary Movements, Cold War

Academic Organizations

Association for Asian Studies (AAS)

Association of Southeast Asian Studies (ASEAS-UK)

New York Southeast Asia Network

London School of Economics and Political Science Southeast Asia Centre – Early Career Researcher Network

Philippine National Historical Society


Selected Publications:

2023. Book Review of ‘What Kapitan Tiago Served and Padre Damaso Ate: Studies on Jose Rizal, His World, and His Works’ by Jose Victor Z. Torres. Kyoto Review of Southeast Asia 35 (March).

2022. Book Review of ‘Diasporic Cold Warriors: Nationalist China, Anticommunism, and the Philippine Chinese, 1930s-1970s’ by Chien-Wen Kung. LSE Review of Books and LSE Southeast Asia (October).

2022. Book Review of ‘Empire’s Mistress, Starring Isabelo Rosario Cooper’ by Vernadette Vicuña Gonzalez. Sojourn: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia 37:2 (July).

2021. Book Review of ‘Underground Asia: Global Revolutionaries and the Assault on Empire’ by Tim Harper. Asian Studies: Journal of Critical Perspectives on Asia 57:2 (September).

2021. Korean pop music a threat to contemporary Filipino identity? Globalization, Nation, and Interrogations in Philippine Culture and Identity. Asia Review 11:2 (August).

Selected Public Writing:

2023. A history of Philippine Independence Day. LSE Southeast Asia, 12 September.

2023. The Women’s World Cup and understanding Filipino-America. Rappler, 03 August.

2023. Ascending hill station. Ti Similla, April-June.

2022. On the red-tagging of bookshops. Rappler, 23 March.

2022. On the lack of public historians and intellectual spaces. Rappler, 02 January.

2021. On the Filipino obsession with patriotism and heroism. Rappler, 07 December.

Luis Zuriel P. Domingo

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor of History Department of History and Philosophy College...

For inquiries, contact the UP Baguio Graduate Program Office:
Graduate Program Office
(074) 442-2460
UP Drive, Governor Pack Road, Baguio City Benguet, Philippines, 2600