The learnings hubs are facilities provided by the College and the University as safe spaces for our students to have access to learning materials as well as electronic devices to utilize in their academic and educational endeavors.

The CSS Audio-Visual Room and the Courtyard are one of the well-used spaces in the College. Used as avenues for learning, the AVR is the venue for lectures, seminars, workshops, and big classes. The AVR is equipped with its own Wifi network that is accessible within the courtyard (and even the second floor of the building), assuring steady connectivity during hybrid events and livestreaming, as well as for students attending their online class. The AVR also has its own sound system which allows for bigger audiences to be accommodated in the Courtyard. You can often find the CSS-AVR as the main venue for events hosted by the College and by the University. The AVR and Courtyard is also one of the favorite venues for students to hold student-led activities and events.
The Courtyard is also the defining feature of the College, with the bale, a native Ifugao hut, which stands tall besides a mural made by Fine Arts students. Tables and chairs are set up at the Courtyard on regular days which students are welcome to freely use to study, peruse through readings, discuss and meet with their fellow students, attend online classes, or simply socialize with their peers.

The Museo Kordilyera is UP Baguio’s ethnographic museum dedicated to the preservation and enrichment of the indigenous cultures of the Cordillera Administrative Region. It is a repository of the tangible and intangible culture of the Cordillera, a vital learning resource. A ‘living museum’.

The mission of the UP Baguio Library is to sustain the scholarly and information needs of its students, faculty, and staff. It shall provide relevant and up-to-date information materials and services in support of the academic, research, and extension programs of the University. Recognizing the University’s ethnic and interdisciplinary thrusts in its academic programs, the Library shall strive to be the lead information resource center on the Cordillera in the Region.
The Archives houses the papers of Robert B. Fox, Sr., Laurence Lee Wilson, Howard Fry, Armando Malay, Augustus Saboy, Otto Scheerer, Jules De Raedt, Fay Dumagat, and the Cordillera Mass Movement Archives. Also among its collections are thousands of photographs that showcase the history and culture of the Cordillera. Aware of the need to preserve the Archives collection for posterity, the Archives has exerted efforts to comply with technical standard requirements in the preservation and conservation of documents by digitizing the collection, using archival supplies, equipment and storage containers.

The Center caters exclusively to the information and research needs of graduate students. It is located on the 3rd floor of the Isabelo de Los Reyes building.