Sustainable Development Goals
- Posted by admin_css_staff
- Date September 27, 2023
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals, were adopted by the United Nations in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that by 2030 all people enjoy peace and prosperity.
The 17 SDGs are integrated—they recognize that action in one area will affect outcomes in others, and that development must balance social, economic, and environmental sustainability.
Countries have committed to prioritize progress for those who’re furthest behind. The SDGs are designed to end poverty, hunger, AIDS, and discrimination against women and girls.
The creativity, knowhow, technology, and financial resources from all society is necessary to achieve the SDGs in every context.
Source: United Nations Development Programme

Baguio Charter Day Anniversary Lectures
In celebration of Baguio City's Charter Day Anniversary, the College of Social Sciences holds a series of lectures featuring various topics surrounding the City of Pines, ranging from the environment, health, cultural and urban development, as well as histories and heritage discussions.

Alex Taek-Gwang Lee in UP Baguio
Dr. Alex Taek-Gwang Lee is a professor of cultural studies at Kyung Hee University in South Korea and visiting professor at the University of Brighton. He has facilitated a reading session on Spinoza and Deleuze and delivered a lecture on Postmodern Epistemology.

Political Science 182 (International Politics) Presentations
PS182 (International Politics) allows students to explore global issues through the lens of IR theory. The students of Political Science 182 presented their final papers on their choses issues to offer insight on the world today.

Student Research Conference in the Social Sciences
This first-ever Student Research Conference in the Social Sciences aims to gather undergraduate and graduate students of CSS for a three-day conference where students shall showcase their academic progress to their peers and professors, providing an opportunity for the students to demonstrate their learning outcomes, including improved cognitive and learning skills, knowledge gained, and personal development.

Treaties and Indigenous Political Interests in Mindanao and Sulawesi c. 1700-1900
A lecture by Dr. Ariel Lopez of the Asian Studies Center at UP Diliman about Treaties and indigenous interests in Mindanao and Sulawesi, c. 1700 to 1900.

The 'Glass Ceiling' Phenomenon and the Women Entrepreneurs in the Cordillera
Retired Professor, Dr. Erlinda Palaganas, talks about the 'Glass Ceiling Phenomenon', a known roadblack to women's ascension in the corporate ladder, in the context of the Cordillera.

Women in Soksay, Soksay by Women
This lecture series aims to raise our consciousness about the importance and contribution of women thinkers in the study of philosophy, politics, and society; be a venue to reflect about the underrepresentation of women in the academe; and initiate the diversification of the academic canon of the social sciences and philosophy.

Research Conversations in the Social Sciences: Oral Tradition and Ethnohistory
The Research Conversations is an informal academic dialogue where we sit down with our invited speakers, Mr. Marlon Martin and Dr. Oona Paredes, and ask them questions and opinions about topics related to the subject of oral tradition and ethnohistory.

People of the Book: Centering Indigenous Peoples in Research Design and Knowledge Production in Mindanao
In line with the College's Indigenous Studies Lecture Series, the College has invited distinguished Dr. Oona Paredes to talk about her recent research on the Indigenous Peoples in Mindanao.

Why Still the University? Reflections on Institutional Autonomy
In celebration of the anniversary of UP Baguio being a constituent unit of the UP System, the College of Social Sciences hosted a lecture concerning the University and Institutional Autonomy.

Training on Basic Facilitating Techniques
In collaboration with the Social Sciences Research and Extension Institute Committee, the College of Social Sciences dispatched a team to Bokod, Benguet to conduct trainings and seminars on facilitating techniques to representatives and employees of local government units.

Indigenous-Inspired Peace Ecology
"Based on the premise that out of crises can emerge opportunities for social transformation, my presentation offers one such pathway or possibility for change, namely peace ecology, and it is inspired by the time-honoured philosophy and practice of the Orang Asli (Malaysia’s First Peoples). " - From the Abstract of Dr. Alberto Gomez's paper.

Career Talk 2022
In collaboration with the Office of Student Relations, the Career Talk has invited distinguished and accomplished alumni of the College of Social Sciences to come and talk about their careers to graduating students to give them ideas and insights on their next step after university.

INVESTikahan: Financial Literacy and Public Finance
The Institute of Management of UP Baguio, in coordination with the Bureau of the Treasury, Department of Finance, and the College of Social Sciences (CSS) Lecture Series Committee, invites everyone to this two-part lecture series. This aims to present how personal finance at the microlevel is related to and impacted upon by financial policies from a macrolevel.

Local Sources of Philosophizing
The discipline of Philosophy in UP Baguio, in coordination with the Social Sciences Research and Extension Institute (SSREI), presents the webinar series featuring the works of Asst. Prof. Vlademire Kevin D. Bumatay and Asst. Prof. Kelly Louise Rexzy P. Agra, who are both members of the discipline of Philosophy in UP Baguio.

This event is hosted by the Department of Economics and Political Science. It is a crash course training camp held twice a year, aimed to aid Economics and Political Science students in doing research and in developing skills they will need in the future. The DEPS Camp is known for the interactive activities between faculty and students.

Formalized Curiosity: Foundations of Business Research Methods
An interactive online serminar with Dr. Divina M. Edralin that features her wealth of knowledge and experience in various approaches to research design.

Master of Management Strategy Paper Colloquia
The Master of Management's culminating work involves their graduate students creating strategy papers ready for presentation and discussion.

IPRA @ 24: Charting Developments in Philippine Indigenous Peoples Rights
In support of deepening the engagement on Indigenous Peoples Rights in the Philippines, the public webinar series focused on the critical dimensions of languages, education, cultural rights, development, and gender.

MASDS Seminar Paper Presentations
The MASDS program has a Thesis and Non-thesis option. These seminar paper presentations are the requirement of graduating students who have opted not to write a thesis.

Ethics 1 Guest Lectures: Asian Ethical Frameworks
In keeping with one of the important commitments of Ethics 1 as a UP System GE, i.e., to “locate the sources of moral experience within culture, society, religion, and individual experiences,” the College invited two esteemed philosophers in the Philippines.

Researching in the Social Sciences: Digital Dialogues
In celebration of ‘UP Baguio @60: Formations, Transformations’, this event is composed of eight digital dialogues where faculty members presented their research findings and used of these to answer the most pressing questions on formulating, researching, and writing undergraduate theses and papers.