UPCA 2023 Reminder!

UPCA 2023 Reminder!
Attention to all Graduating Senior High Students!
There’s only one week left until the UPCA 2023 Applications end, so you still have time to submit all requirements!
Make sure to check if your requirements are complete before submitting your application by 15 October 2022 (Saturday).
You can double check by going to the UP Admission’s website where all other relevant information can be found. Submission of requirements are also accepted through the UP Admission website, so you don’t have to go too far.
If you need help in submitting your application, you can also check this step-by-step video for your guidance.
For other inquiries, please only ask the official helpdesk channels of the UP Office of Admissions via Messenger room or chat, or email them at upcollegeapplications.oadms@up.edu.ph .
Again, mark your calendars on the 15th of October! Stay tuned for other announcements regarding any UPCA 2023 Reminder in all of the UP System’s official social media pages and websites.
Thank you very much and we all look forward to meeting you soon!