Research Conversation Series is open for registration

07 February 2023 — The Research Conversation Series is open for registration! The College of Social Sciences presents a new event series this February through ‘Research Conversations in the Social Sciences’. The inaugural conversations will take place at the College of Social Sciences Audio-Visual Room as well as via Zoom and Youtube Live, on 15 February from 1:30 pm to 6 pm. The event will be featuring Mr. Marlon Martin of the Save the Ifugao Terraces Movement (SITMO) and Dr. Oona Paredes of the University of California Los Angeles. The Research Conversations will focus on oral traditions and ethnohistory which will be presided by Mr. Martin and Dr. Paredes respectively.
The Research Conversation Series is open for registration to the public. However, the event will only allow a limited registration for both face-to-face and Zoom modalities. This is because the event is prioritizing students enrolled under the BA Social Sciences, MA History, MA Social and Development Studies, and Ph.D. Indigenous Studies programs. The Research Conversations are opportunities for students to engage in discourse and dialogue regarding difficult topics and interdisciplinary perspectives, and hopefully help them frame their research topics and eventual thesis proposals successfully.
If you’re interested in joining, you can head to this link or scan the QR code provided above to register. The slots are limited so register to secure yours now!