Carolyn Frances Podruchny
Visiting Professor (Sem 1, AY 2021-2022)
PhD Indigenous Studies
York University
Academic Background
Doctorate of Philosophy, University of Toronto, 1999
Master of Arts, University of Toronto, 1992
Cours de français, Université Laval, 1991
Bachelor of Arts Joint Honours, McGill University, 1990
Research Interests
Indigenous peoples in northern North America before 1900; Global Indigenous Histories; French colonialism in early North America; Metis and fur trade history; Anishinaabe history; oral history; ethnohistory; linguistic history and history of the book; cultural
2021: Émilie Pigeon and Carolyn Podruchny, “Bannock Diplomacy: How Metis Women Fought Battles and Made Peace in North Dakota, 1850s-1870s” accepted to Ethnohistory. Forthcoming May 2021.
2019: Émilie Pigeon and Carolyn Podruchny, “The Mobile Village: Metis Women, Bison Brigades, and Social Order on the Nineteenth-Century Plains” Violence, Order, and Unrest: A History of British North America, 1749-1876, edited by Elizabeth Mancke, Scott See, Jerry Bannister, and Denis McKim, 236-63 (Toronto: University of Toronto Press). 27 pp.
2018: Carolyn Podruchny, “Tough Bodies, Fast Paddles, Well-Dressed Wives: Measuring Manhood Among French-Canadian and Métis Voyageurs in the North American Fur Trade” Making Men, Making History: Canadian Masculinities across Time and Place, edited by Peter Gossage and Robert Rutherdale, 333-46 (Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press).13 pp.
2016: Carolyn Podruchny, “Trickster Lessons in Early Canadian Indigenous Communities” Siberica 15:1 (Spring), 62-80. 18 pp.
2016: Carolyn Podruchny and Stacy Nation-Knapper, “Fur Trades” Oxford Research Encyclopedia of American History, edited by Jon Butler, (Oxford University Press) http://americanhistory.oxfordre.com/. 40 pp.
2016: Carolyn Podruchny and Jesse A. Thistle, “A Geography of Blood: Uncovering the Hidden Histories of Metis People in Canada” Spaces of Difference: Conflicts and Cohabitation, edited by Ursula Lehmkuhl, Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink, and Laurence McFalls, 61-79 (Münster and New York: Waxmann). 18 pp.