Federico Lenzerini
Dr. Lenzerini is Professor of Public International Law and International Human Rights Law at the Department of Law of the University of Siena (Italy). He has been Consultant to UNESCO (Paris) and Counsel to the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs for international negotiations related to cultural heritage. He was also the Rapporteur of the International Law Association (ILA) Committee on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and Rapporteur of the ILA Committee on the Implementation of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
He is co-teaching the course IS 331 with Dr. Leah E. Abayao, Professor of History and Dean of the College of Social Sciences.
Academic Background
Juris Dr., University of Siena, 15 October 1998, 110/110 magna cum laude.
Ph. D., International Law, 8 April 2003, University of Bari.
National Scientific Qualification (“abilitazione”, Italy) for Full Professor of
International Law, Sector 12/E1, 4 April 2017.
Academic Organizations
Member of the International Law Association.
Member of the “Biotechnology Committee” of the International Law Association 2006-2010.
Rapporteur of the “Committee on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples” of the
International Law Association, 2008-2012.
Rapporteur of the “Committee on the Implementation of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples” of the International Law Association, 2013-2020.
Member of the “Committee on Cultural Heritage Law” of the International Law Association, 2012-2016.
Member of the Tulane-Siena Institute for International Law, Cultural Heritage & the Arts.
Director of the Inter-University Centre for the Research on Human Rights and Immigration Law (CIRDUIS), University of Siena.
Member of the Academic Friends of the UN Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (EMRIP).
Academic Positions
Associate Professor of International Law, Human Rights and International Organization, University of Siena, Department of Political and International Sciences.
Professor at the Tulane-Siena Summer School on International Law and the Arts.
Professor at the LL.M. Program in Intercultural Human Rights, Miami (FL), USA, St. Thomas University School of Law.
Delegate of the Rector of the University of Siena for Students and Researchers Coming from Crisis Areas, 2016-2022.
Member of the “Collegio di disciplina” (Disciplinary Board) of the University of Siena, 2019-2023.
Representative of the University of Siena at the Italian “Network of Universities for Peace” (RUNIPACE – https://www.runipace.org/).
Referee of the University of Siena for the UNHCR’s “Manifesto dell’Università Inclusiva” (Manifesto of the Inclusive University for Refugees).
Referee of the University of Siena for the UNICORE Project (UNHCR’s University Corridors for Refugees promoted by Italian universities).
Person in charge of the “Just Peace” Project of the University of Siena (https://www.unisi.it/ateneo/adempimenti/urp-e-international-place/sportello-just-peace).
Member of the Commission of Research of the University of Siena.
Delegate of the Department of Political and International Sciences of the University of Siena for Research, Quality of Research and the Third Mission.
Professional Positions
Assistant Professor (Researcher) of International Law (IUS 13), University of Siena (Italy), Department of Law, 2006-2017.
Associate Professor of International Law (IUS 13), University of Siena (Italy), Department of Political and International Sciences, 2018-
Consultant to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Paris.
Deputy Head of the Hawaiian Kingdom’s Royal Commission of Inquiry.
“Indigenous Cultural Heritage and International Law”, in D. Newman (ed.), Research Handbook on the International Law of Indigenous Rights, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, 2022, pp. 332-353.
“Land, Culture, and Heritage: Restoring Indigenous Peoples’ Cultural Identity through Access to Justice and Reparations”, in R. Bulan And C. Cj Chow (eds.), An Anthology of Indigenous Peoples’ Issues, Sweet & Maxwell/Thomson Reuters Asia, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia, 2022, pp. 27-50.