Alejandro N. Ciencia

Position: Dean
Categories: DEPS
Professor of Political Science
Department of Economics and Political Science
College of Social Science

Academic Background

Ph.D., Political Science, University of the Philippines Diliman, 2010
Dissertation: “The Philippine Supreme Court and the Mining Act Ruling Reversal”

M.A., Political Science, University of the Philippines Diliman, 1996
Thesis: “Notions of Justice in the Cordillera”

B.A., Social Science (Double Major: Philosophy and Political Science), University of the Philippines Baguio, 1987.

Visiting Fellow:

Visiting Scholar, November 2019-February 2020, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA (Fulbright Grant)
Visiting Scholar at Vanderbilt University, February-May 2008, Nashville, Tennessee, USA (CHED Sandwich Grant)

Research Interests

Justice, Political Philosophy, Judicial Behavior, Urban Resilience, Water Security, Climate Change, Indigenous Peoples’ Rights

Academic Organization

Philippine Political Science Association (PPSA)

Extension Services

Facilitated Seminars/Workshops on:
Disseminating Research Outputs
Sustaining Research Projects
Research for Teachers
Scholarly and Academic Writing
Writing for Publication


Mendoza, L.C.; Cruz, G.A.; Ciencia, A.N.; and Penalba, M.A. 2020. “Local Policy and Water Access in Baguio City, Philippines.” International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development, Vol. 20, Issue 1 (January-March 2020), pp.1-13.

Ciencia, A.N.; Mendoza, L.C.; Cruz, G.A.; Penalba, M.A.; Calde, N.L.; M.R. and Cabalfin, M.R. 2017. “Water Security and Urban Resilience: The Case of Baguio City, Philippines,” pp.146-164. Responding to Climate Change in Asian Cities: Governance for a more Resilient Urban Future, edited by Diane Archer, Sarah Colenbrander, David Dodman. Routledge.

Cruz, G., Mendoza, L., and Ciencia, A. 2016. “The Civil Registration of Indigenous Peoples in the Cordillera Region: Issues in Implementing NSO Administrative Order No. 3 of 2004.” Public Policy Journal, 14, pp. 33-82.

Ciencia, A.N. 2016. “UP Baguio’s Water Security Project: Lessons Learned,” pp. 155-167. Social Science Teaching, Research and Practice: Consolidating Lessons and Charting Directions, Volume 2, edited by L.C. Mendoza. Baguio City, Philippines: College of Social Sciences, UP Baguio and the Cordillera Studies Center.

Flor, Alexander G.; Ciencia, Alejandro N.; and Sta. Maria-Abalos, Cecilia Fe L, eds. 2016. Resilience and Sustainability: Fourteen Narratives. Baguio City, Philippines: Cordillera Studies Center.

Mendoza, L.C.; Ciencia, A.N.; Cruz, G.; Penalba, M.; Calde, N.; and Cabalfin, M. 2016. “Engaging Communities in Addressing Water Security, Sanitation, and Urban Resilience Challenges in
Baguio City,” A report submitted to the ICLEI-Southeast Asia Secretariat.

Ciencia, A.N.; Mendoza, L.C.; Cruz, G.; Calde, N.; Cabalfin, M.; and Penalba, M. 2015. “Towards Establishing Water Security and Urban Resilience in the City of Baguio,” Asian Cities Climate Resilience Working Paper Series, 27-2015.

Calde, Nimreh; Ciencia, Alejandro Jr.; and Rovillos, Raymundo. 2013. “An assessment of the implementation of the Free and Prior Informed Consent (FPIC) in the Philippines,” Volume I: Main Report. Bonn, Germany: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.

Ciencia, A.N. 2012. “From Judicialization to Politicization of the Judiciary: The Philippine Case,” pp. 117-138. The Judicialization of Politics in Asia, edited by Bjoern Dressel. London, UK: Routledge.

Ciencia, A.N. 2012. “The Independence and Activism of the Philippine Supreme Court: The Case of La Bugal v. Ramos.” The Cordillera Review: Journal of Philippine Culture and Society, Vol. 4,
No. 1, pp. 5-46.

Ciencia, A.N. 2011. “The Supreme Court’s Ruling on the Mining Act: A Political Science Perspective.” Philippine Political Science Journal (PPSJ), Vol. 32, No. 55 (Routledge).

Ciencia, A.N. 2011. “Governance Issues and the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP).” The Cordillera Review: Journal of Philippine Culture and Society, Vol. 3, Nos. 1–2, pp. 17-42.

Ciencia, A. N. 2006. “The Philippine Supreme Court and the Mining Act Reversal,” Working Paper published by the East-West Center as part of the International Graduate Student Conference
Working Paper series.

Ciencia, A.N. 2005. “Review of Democratization, Development, and the Patrimonial State in the Age of Globalization by Eric Budd.” Kasarinlan: Philippine Journal of Third World Studies, 20 (2): 189-196.

Ciencia, A.N. 2001. “Notions of Justice in the Cordillera,” pp. 103-128. Towards Understanding Peoples of the Cordillera: A Review of Research on History, Governance, Resources,
Institutions and Living Traditions, Vol. 1, edited by V. Rico-Costina and M. Difontorum. Philippines: Cordillera Studies Center.

Casambre, A.L., Ciencia, A.N., Colongon, A.A., Rood, S., and Simeon-Bulosan, L. 1996. “Ethnic Variations in Cordillera Citizen Attitudes Towards Dispute Settlement.” Monitoring the State of the Judiciary and the Legal Profession, edited by M. Mangahas. Philippines: Social Weather Stations.