Vlademire Kevin D. Bumatay

Vlademire Kevin D. Bumatay

Position: Assistant Professor
Categories: DHPH
Assistant Professor in Philosophy
Department of History and Philosophy
College of Social Sciences

Academic Background

M.A., University of the Philippines-Diliman, 2020

B.A., University of the Philippines-Baguio, 2015, magna cum laude

Research Interests

ORCID: 0000-0001-8111-9799

General Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Social Science, Metaphysics, Epistemology, Metaphilosophy

Awards and Distinctions

Recipient, 2021 Claro R. Ceniza Prize in Logic
Paper: “Formalizing Induction: A Defense”

Academic Organizations

Press Relation Officer, Philosophical Association of Northern Luzon, 2020-present

Elected member, Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, Chapter 045 (UP Chapter), 2021-present

Member, Philosophical Association of the Philippines, 2021-present

Extension Services

Lecturer, Philosophy in Public Life – The Philosophy Extension Program in UP Baguio

Referee, Undergraduate Philosophy Journal of Australasia

Referee, Talisik: An Undergraduate Journal of Philosophy


 “Formal Schemas of Induction as Models.” Synthese, 200(6), 1-33. 10.1007/s11229-022-03921-6


 PhilPeople: https://philpeople.org/profiles/vlademire-kevin-bumatay

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=rN4gK9QAAAAJ&hl=en