Leah E. Abayao
Professor of History
Department of History and Philosophy
College of Social Sciences
Academic Background
Senior Fellow, The Frick Collection-New York City, USA
Research Fellow, Linden Museum – Stuttgart, Germany
Research Fellow, University of Michigan – Ann Arbor, USA
Visiting Scholar, Katholieke Universitet Leuven, Belgium
Ph.D. in History, University of the Philippines Diliman
M.A. Social Development Studies, University of the Philippines
B.A. Social Sciences Majors in Anthropology and History, University of the Philippines
Research Interests
Indigenous Knowledge, Community Heritage, Philippines Cordilleras, Indigenous Peoples
Extension Work
Go Global SDGs in Action Student Challenge (with York University), 2022 – present
International Indigenous Student Exchange Program (with York University, 2021 – present
CHED Kabadang Research and Publication Capacity Building, 2021 – present
External Evaluator, National Commission on Culture and the Arts (NCCA) Mapping Program, 2020 – present
Community Archives (with the National Archives of the Philippines), 2014 – present
ORCID 0000-0001-5505-336X
Scopus Author ID: 11940079500 & 57402054500
Abayao, Leah, Podruchny, Carolyn, Fong, Jimmy. Indigeneity and the Production of knowledges on Indigenous Peoples in the Philippines (forthcoming)
Ronan Q. Baculi, Giovanni M. Malapit & Leah E. Abayao. 2022. Atmospheric pressure plasma deposition of silver nanoparticles on bark fabric for bacterial growth inhibition, The Journal of The Textile Institute, DOI: 10.1080/00405000.2021.2024378
Abayao, Leah, Akanisi Sobusobu Tarabe, Vuthy Lic, Prasert Trakansuphakon. 2020. Forest Policies and Indigenous Peoples’ Traditional Knowledge and Practices on Sustainable Forest Management: Fiji, Cambodia and Thailand. Tebtebba Foundation.
Abayao, Leah. 2019. Indigenous Studies as a platform for Internationalization in Higher Education. Proceedings of the Indigenous Peoples Education conference. University of the Philippines Baguio.
Abayao, Leah. 2018. Cordillera Objects in the Philippines Collection (of the Linden Museum). In Co-creation Labs: Illuminating Guests, Artists and New Voices in European Museums of World Culture. Sanstein Verlag and Linden- Museum Stuttgart.
Abayao, Leah. 2014. Spirituality and the (re) constructions of indigenous traditions. InUnsettling Discourses: The Theory and Practice of Indigenous Studies. Cordillera Studies Center, UP Baguio. 2014; Pages 127-134.
Abayao, Leah.2005. Mainstreaming Intercultural Education: the case of UP Baguio’s Educational Assistance Program, Higher Education Policy 18, 409–411. Palgrave.
Abayao, Leah. 2006. Articulating Indigenous Peoples’ Culture in Education. In Indigenous Education and Empowerment: International Perspectives. Eds. Duane Champagne and Ismael Abu-Saad. Alta-mira Press, Oxford UK.
Abayao, Leah. 2001. Indigenous knowledge on Forest management and Conservation of Medicinal Plants among the Ifugaos of Northern Luzon. KASARINLAN Journal, University of the Philippines Press.
Abayao, Leah. 2000. Ifugao Ethnomedicine in History. The Journal of History. Volume 46, No. 1-4.
Abayao, Leah, Sombolinggi, Rukka. 2010. Indigenous Peoples and the dynamics of development programs: The case of the East Kalimantan Communities Empowerment Program (EKLCEP). In Assessing the first decade of the World’s Indigenous People, 1995-2004. Vol. 1: The Southeast Asia Experience.
Abayao, Leah. 2009. Mayoyao Ethnohistory, 1850 – 1960. The Journal of History. “Philippine Ethnohistories: The Luzon Cordillera and Beyond”. Volume LV, January – December.