DEPS CAMP 2022 Registration

What keeps you up past midnight? Whether that’s Econ problem sets or Polsci papers (or where to go after college), come ask your Questions…? at DEPS Camp.
With DEPS, You’re (Not) On Your Own, Kid.
For our Economics majors and Political Science minors! Here is the link for our DEPS CAMP 2022 Registration!
Register now to secure your slot. The DEPS CAMP 2022 will be Face-to-face at the CSS AVR, but online attendance is also possible. The DEPS Camp 2022 is on 21 November 2022 (Monday) from 1:00 to 4:00 PM at the CSS Audio-Visual Room and via Zoom.
The DEPS Camp is brought to you by the faculty members of Department of Economics and Political Science. Come get to know your instructors and professors, as well as your fellow Econ major and PolSci minors! The event will talk about what your possible career choices once you step out of the university, and you’ll get to hear some insights from distinguished and esteemed alumni of the program. The Camp will also feature some fun and games, so that’s something to look forward to!
To know more about the DEPS Camp, you can message the CSS Facebook page, or contact any of the DEPS faculty.