Advisory on Change of Matriculation

To all CSS Students, here is an advisory on Change of Matriculation.
The period of Change of Matriculation (add or cancel a subject) will be from 22 August to 13 September 2022.
Here is the process on how to change mat or change matriculation.
- Download the UP FORM 26A (Change of Matriculation) from this link.
- Accomplish the form and supply the necessary information. Do not forget to indicate the following:
- Instructor of Subject to be added and/or cancelled
- Program Adviser
- Reason for the change mat, etc.
- Forms with Incomplete details/information required will not be processed
- Upload the accomplished UP Form 26A to this link.
- Upload Current Sem I AY 2022-2023 Form 5. The change of matriculation process cannot proceed WITHOUT a VALID Form 5.
- For non-paying undergraduate students, there is no fee for Change Mat.
- For Graduate Students, you will be re-assessed and will be notified by the OCS of the amount to pay.
- Wait for 3-4 days to generate your new Form 5.
- Please be informed that CSS ENLISTER email addresses are NO LONGER ACTIVE.
This advisory on Change of Matriculation is from the Office of the College Secretary.
For any inquiries or concerns, please email the Office of the College Secretary or the OCS at .