Applying to the College of Social Sciences

Here is the general information you need to apply to one of our programs here at the College of Social Sciences. To be considered for acceptance, interested applicants must directly apply to the college or program where the degree will be awarded:

  • UP Office of Admissions for incoming freshmen (for application of the UP College Admission Test or UPCAT);
  • UP Baguio Graduate Program Office for master’s degrees and doctoral programs;
  • Office of the College Secretary for transferees from other UP units and from other universities 

For financial assistance and scholarships, you may contact the Office of Scholarships and Financial Assistance for undergraduate degrees, and the Graduate Program Office for graduate degrees.

Information on Admission

General Admission

The BA Social Sciences and the BS Management Economics program admits UPCAT/UPCA qualifiers during the first semester of the academic year. Qualified applicants may be admitted as freshmen on the basis of their: (1) application in the UP College Admission Test/Applications, (2) weighted average in the first three years of high school, and (3) choice of UP campus and the quota for specific courses/colleges set by the University.

Deferment of Enrollment

A qualified freshman applicant who for a valid reason cannot enroll during the semester originally applied for may apply for deferment of enrollment to the next succeeding semester by writing to the University Registrar. Such applicants must not take any academic college subject prior to enrollment in the University. The maximum period allowed by the University for deferment of enrollment is one year.

For more information regarding the UP College Admission Test, you can contact the UP Office of Admissions through their email address: or visit the official website of the UPCAT.

For other concerns and inquiries regarding admission to the College of Social Sciences Office of the College Secretary at