Anthropology aims for a holistic study of man and culture. It seeks to understand the complexity of human beings and societies-their variations, adaptive strategies, and changes across time and space. The program fosters your deeper appreciation of cultural diversity and trains you to do anthropological research with analytic and methodological rigor.
Expected Learning Outcomes
- Recognize literature that manifests the anthropological perspective of being historical, comparative, and holistic;
- Discuss the dynamic development of anthropological theory;
- Conduct ethical anthropological research guided by appropriate methodologies;
- Cultivate evidence-informed public anthropology; and
- Employ the anthropological lens in navigating all spheres and stages of life.
Psychology introduces you to the study of behavior and mental life, the investigation of the causes and dynamics of behavioral patterns and provides students with knowledge, skills and techniques for the solutions to individual problems.
Expected Learning Outcomes
- Develop skills that will enable personal growth and wellbeing of the self and others;
- Compare the classic, contemporary and emerging perspectives, theories and studies in psychology;
- Demonstrate a critical and ethical attitude in responding to social issues using a psychological lens;
- Undertake socially relevant research projects and programs in psychology;
- Examine the appropriateness and relevance of psychological concepts, theories, and methods across cultural contexts; and
- Display an intrinsic motivation to engage in an independent and active pursuit of learning.
Sociology studies humans in various levels of group life, from the smallest dyad to the largest of social organizations, the society. The discipline hinges on an intellectual tradition that continues to be shaped by attempts to understand order and change in society.
Expected Learning Outcomes
- Understand issues emerging from human experiences that gave rise to the development of the discipline;
- Apply sociological theories and concepts in understanding the interplay of global, national, and local forces influencing human lives;
- Explain sources and consequences of structural changes in social groups as affected by both internal and external processes;
- Analyze patterns of potential and actual social issues employing sociological perspectives; and
- Conduct ethical, theoretically informed, methodologically rigorous, and reflexive sociological research.