114th Baguio Charter Anniversary Lectures

21 September 2023 – For the celebration of the 114th Baguio Charter Anniversary this September, the Baguio Heritage Foundation, Inc. will have two lectures on September 25, 2023 (Monday) at CSS AVR, UP Baguio.
The first lecture will be about the Ibaloy indigenous placenames in Baguio City by Dr. June Chayapan Prill-Brett at 10 am. The second lecture will be on the history of the Baguio Public Market by Ms. Jessica Faye Marino at 1 pm.
Catch the special double lecture on September 25, 2023, at UP Baguio CSS AVR and Zoom, 10 am – 12 pm and 1 – 3 pm.
Register here: https://forms.gle/MfuHk31jGvqmoxf86
This lecture series is organized by the Baguio Heritage Foundation, Inc. (BHFI), co-presented by the National Historical Commission of the Philippines and the Local Historical Committees Network, in partnership with UP KAMALAYAN and UPB College of Social Sciences, and sponsored by the City Government of Baguio-CPDO and Pine Cone Movement, Inc.
See you there!